Slamdance 2022 Capsule Review: (Cathedral)

Directed by: James Bascara
Distributed by: TBA

Written by Alexander Reams


A cathedral in the traditional sense is a holy ground, a place of worship, made iconic by the gorgeous buildings erected by the Catholic church, whatever your personal thoughts are on this group, there is universal reverent towards these buildings. James Bascara’s latest short is truly about cathedrals but in a more worldly sense. The cathedral Bascara is referring to is the cathedral that is the world and from the perspective of ants. For ants, their holy ground is the world they live on, so for them, their cathedral is the planet. Bascara’s short follows a trail of ants as they make their way through the world. This short is gorgeously animated in a style that is reminiscent of Hideo Kojima’s cut scenes in the video game Death Stranding. Despite this gorgeous animation, the film is void of any emotion, I wanted to care about the ant’s journey but I couldn’t, there was no reason to care about their journey. There is only the animation to behold, everything else is void, but still, the images are near unforgettable.

(Cathedral) Trailer

“(Cathedral)” was screened as part of the 2022 edition of the Slamdance Film Festival.

You can connect with Alexander on his social media profiles: Instagram, Letterboxd, and Twitter. Or see more of his work on his website.

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